CREATION FACTS: Isaih 14:15 and Proverbs 3:19 (I don't remeber what those are- but I have them written on top) Ok, picture this. In Genesis it speaks of God dividing the waters above from the waters below when he makes the firmament. In Hebrew a firmament speaks of metal hammered so thin that it is clear. Scientists have found that water behaves like a metal in some situations. now, radical thought.... In the begining there was one continent, the entire earth had the same climate- tropic to sub tropical- there was not any rain or precipitation, the earth was watered by some other means... Bible mentions mist (I can't rememberexactly on this one) somewhere... half of all the earth's water was on the earth (lakes rivers etc.) and the other half was _in_the_sky_. Our atmosphere was a canopy of water surrounding the whole planet. The existance of the firmament would create a giant green- house causing the climate to be the same all over the planet and because it would be bigger than the planet is now (the canopy) it would capture more of the sun's light and thus the average temperature of the earth would be a little bit higher... thus whole planet is tropical climate. Also water has this really cool property in that it blocks pretty much all forms of light except visible, so that the harmful UV and other nasty forms of solar radiation are shifted to visible light, in the blue kind of wavelength.... (they had a bluer sky than we do) Also the firmament set up would (yes, they have proven all this mathematicaly) raise the average pressure on the surface of the earth from about 14 psi to about 20 psi. fact- today we put people in hyperbaric chambers which raise the pressure to say- about 20 psi.... because it speeds healing, causes the body to use oxygen more efficiently, and generally makes the body work better. fact- whithout solar radiation in the form of UV and other nasties, cells are not destroyed like they are in our world, so things which keep growing until they die, such as mosses, dragonflies, some lizards, some large mammals, grasses, trees, all kinds of stuff- just keep growing. they get really big. they also live a lot longer. In such an arrangement- with the firmament and the weather being the same and all... there is nothing like we have today as far as weather is concerned. they didn't have tornado's, floods, hurricanes, etc. also, they didn't have mountains and volcanoes like we know today. In these conditions, there could be tropical plants on any continent, since they are all connected at this point, (fact- fruit trees have been found on Antarctica under thousands of feet of ice with fruit still on them) things like insects would be huge- foot long cocroaches, four foot dragonflies, etc. (fact, those and more would sorry, HAVE BEEN found and attributed to "the dinasaur age") lizards would become very big... like dinosaurs (fact- a fossil has been discovered out west that has a human footprint and a dinosaur footprint next to each other) plants would be huge (fact- some kinds of mosses which are found commonly in forests today about an inch or so high (max) have been found fossilized at enormous size, I think something was said about 40 ft....?) fact- people would live much longer because the of the pressure being more hospitable, and because (mostly) the absence of solar radiation would allow much longer lives. cells could live far longer. (fact- look in the Bible and follow the ages of the Patriarchs starting at the begining and going past Noah. you will find that people were living 8 and 9 hundred years before the flood and after they were only living around 120 tops. about like today) by now I am sure that you are wondering just why the world today is not like that. look forward to Noah (speaking of the flood). Hebrews 11 tells us that Noah was warned about things which had not yet been seen- rain? Well, Genesis says that when the flood happened, the heavens were opened up and water fell to the earth. enough water to cover the entire globe. enough water to rain for 40 days and nights. now think about how much water that is, and unless God was creating more as He went along, where would it come from? ah, the connection. The firmament was opened and all of that water that had been our atmosphere fell onto the planet. you say that all that water hovering over the planet is impossible? well, it has been worked out in theory that it would be a stable arrangement. Furthermore, the planet Venus and the moon Titus (saturn maybe?) both have exactly that- a canopy of water vapor surrounding the planet. water falls, modern weather patterns are set up. Consider the rainbow, symbol of God's covenant with Noah. would it be a significant sign if it had happened before the flood all the time? how do rainbows happen? by the sun reflecting off of water in the air-- after rain. if it had rained before the flood then there would have been rainbows and the sign would have been week at best. Yea, but what about that single continent you were talking aout Brian? well, evolutionists tell us that origionally we had one big continent- I believe they call it pangea. They tell us that over millions of years they drifted apart. The Bible and science tell us that the land was divided later. Genesis 10:25 tell us that the land was divided. Eber son of Noah named his kid Peleg "because in his time the earth was divided." Now if it was signifigant enough for somebody to name their kid after it, and it to be mentioned in the Bible, that was some divided. not only that but in Hebrew that word for divided means separated by water, and implies an earthquake. ok, ok, so you expect me to believe taht an earthquake happened that was big enough to split a continent?!?!? yes. The guy who was at the video showing (PhD in Physics) worked out the math on the continents splitting. there is a property of matter that if you float a flat surface like a table top or something on water and then split it down the center suddenly, the two pieces repel each other and fly apart. the math was figured out and this guy said that there was sufficient force to move a continent about the distance of the Atlantic ocean in a year. (the surface of the Earth is floating on the magma core...) Such a sudden movement would explain why those fruit trees are under ice in the poles, and also why there are palm trees frozen down there and even redwood forests. under ice. Redwood forests have a very specific temperature zone that they require. so do palm trees. frozen ain't it. I mentioned earlier that mountains weren't around then- at least not as we know them- right? well, all the major mountain ranges on the planet are found where plates of earth meet. agreed? as these continents were flying apart, they had to hit sometime because the world is round. with me? they hit, the surface buckles, mountains are forced up until the momentum of momvement is taken up. blam, mountains. you will also find at the top of every mountain in the world fossils. marine fossils. every mountain, including everest. water.... flood... ok psalm 104:6-9 tells us that the waters were standing above the mountains, "but at your rebuke the waters fled..." yea, see above. still with me? there was something about the volcanoes also, but unfortunately I cannot remeber and I seem to have neglected to write it down. are you as blown away by this as I was? (am) And just think... that was only one of 11 tapes that they are showing. IT ONLY GETS BETTER!!! (Monday 4-5 Piedmont room WCC) (subliminal plug) If I left anything out or there are any questions of if I was just unclear, let me know. and hey, now that I have typed all of this, do you mind forwarding it to the whole chain? thanks bro! blown away by the glory of God- Brian