God has a plan for each of his children. His "rough draft" for each of us is as unique as each individual. I found his plan for me particularly challenging. Early in the fall of 1990 during my second year at Elon College I found myself struggling with my sexuality. Was I gay? Straight? Bisexual? I just didn't know. What I did know was that if I was gay, the world was against me. I also knew from going to church when I was growing up that, for the most part, the church did not accept homosexuality or, sadly, homosexuals. Two strikes against me. On top of all of this, all of my friends at home and at Elon wer very anti-gay and as a result I had no one with whom I could discuss my problem. Strike three, I was out! I decided to leave Elon on the first day of Winter Term. That was Monday, January 7, 1991. I packed everything I could into my little golf bag (I got just about all that I had with me at school) and drove to Nags Head, NC, to stay the night with one of my friends from home before going to check out C.N.* College. I visited C.N., liked what I saw and was accepted on the spot. I found an apartment and began classes the following Monday. I had heard that W&M* had a gay student organization called Alternatives, so I decided to check it out. What did I have to lose? I knew absolutely no one in the area, and I was lonely and feeling empty. Besides, who would see me there anyway. I sat through the whole meeting: it was my first public admission that I was or might be gay. After the meeting, I met and started conversing with a couple of people. That couple turned out to be two seniors at W&M, P* & J*, who just happened to be Christians. We hit it off quite well and after talking for a while we made plans to go to [a restaurant]* for dinner that Friday night after their Intervarsity meeting. After having dinner we went back to P's place for more conversation. The discussion turned toward religious matters, and I was actually able to remain in the conversation because I had a little knowledge of Christ, as a result of my mom raising my family in a Christian environment. They discussed going to church that Sunday, and I asked if I could join them. I think their jaws hit the floor! I joined them at W* Community Chapel on Sunday. That Tuesday, P and J had made "Alternative" plans for me. We all went to [the deli]*. J and I arrived before P and were discussing certain voids in my life. I was materialistic, and whatever I had was never as good as what someone else had. J suggested that maybe the reason I felt unsatisfied was because of an emptiness in my heart--and just maybe it was shaped like God. My response was something to the effect of "Nonsense! I know God." After that I started to think "Well, if I knew God, why would I be struggling with homosexuality?" After this discussion I called a close friend at home and told him that I was struggling with the possibility of being gay. He was really cool about the whole issue, and he made me feel better about myself, but I still thought that what I was feeling was not right. I had no idea of what was about to happen, but this article is about God's plan for me, not my plan for myself. On Friday, February 1, my older sister came to visit. The next day we were having lunch and she started talking about how the Christian should accept and love all people and in particular, homosexuals. I was just blown away. Did she think that I was struggling with my sexual identity? I made it clear in so many words that I wasn't prejudiced towards homosexuals, but I didn't let on that I myself might be one (although she sensed it). We finished lunch and she left for home because I--or rather God--had plans for this particular Saturday night. On Saturday night, February 2, 1991, a large group of people from Intervarsity Christian Fellowship (including myself) went out to Ben and Jerry's for ice cream. The group talked for a while and then we all went our separate ways. Once J and I were back at campus, we went for a walk because I had a lot of questions to ask him. I asked him about the Bible's stand on homosexuality. God had prepared J for my questions, and I could starting to see God's plan fall into place. It wasn't too hard for God to show me that the path of homosexuality was wrong. The Lord had given J several verses from Romans 1 to show me what the Bible had to say about homosexuality. Romans 1:21 says: "For although they knew God, they neither glorified Him as God nor gave thanks to Him, but their thinking became futile and their hearts were darkened." In verses 25-27 the Apostle Paul writes: "They (the Roman citizens) exchanged the truth of God for a lie, and worshiped and served created things rather than the creator--who is forever praised... Because of this God gave them over to their shameful lusts. Even their women exchanged natural relations for unnatural ones. In the same way the men also abandoned natural relations with women and were inflamed with lust for one another. Men committed indecent acts with other men, and received in themselves the due penalty for theit perversion." (NIV) As I stated earlier, I thought that I knew God. I then realized that I knew OF God, but I did not personally know Him in the way that I'd always heard the preachers say on Sunday morning. I did not glorify Him nor give thanks to Him; it seemed that the only time I ever prayed was when I wanted Him to do something for me. As a result of my ignorance of God, He allowed me to struggle with something that I knew was wrong and was contradictory to His will. This realization hit me like a brick. At that moment, at the sundial in front of the library at The College of W&M, I realized that Jesus died for ME and that to be saved I must ask His forgiveness for my sins and ask Him to cleanse my heart of these unnatural and unwanted desires. I did so right then and there, and my life has not been the same since! I AM NOT GAY!! That was the most awesome realization I'd had in my life. There are no words to describe how I felt at that moment. It was the most incredible high that a man can ever feel! I was high on God!! I've learned a lot about possible causes of homosexuality. I found out that around the age of 12 or 13, there is a need in children (both boys and girls) for unconditional love by a male role model, in particular, the father. If a boy does not feel this unconditional love, he MAY look to other men to fulfill that need. In my case, I didn't feel that love from my father, and my relationship with my brother was non-existent. I thought that the only way I could ever be loved was by another guy. WRONG! God loves all of his children U-N-C-O-N-D-I-T-I-O-N-A-L-L-Y. I am thankful that I found God before I found a man who I thought would love me unconditionally. God takes us all just as we are. I feel that God allowed me to struggle with homosexuality, because he was shaping me so that I may help others. I don't know how many people accepted it, but I challenged a group of about 300 Christians to pray for or even befriend a homosexual. In the eyes of a gay person, the Christian Church is closed to gay people. Christians are supposed to love their fellow man, but quite often they judge the lifestyle without giving heed to the person. I am most grateful to P and J for not judging but simply giving an ear to listen to what I was going through. I saw God working in them, and He was working on me throught them! It is amazing what prayer can do. I found out after becoming a Christian that so many people I hadn't yet met were praying for me and my situation. It's so funny. In February of 1992, a friend of mine and a friend of his went skiing [at a slope]*. Since I was planning on being at home that weekend and I lived so close to there, I offered them lodging at my house for the night. The friend that I didn't know, C*, was a second-year MBA student at W&M who went to JMU for his undergrad work. He asked me how I became a Christian, and I proceeded to tell him the "abridged" version of how I met a guy and a girl at the Campus Center at W&M last January and we began to talk. I didn't get into detail because I didn't really know him and was a little uncomfortable discussing the topic at my parent's house. He asked me the names of the people I met and I told him J and P. All of a sudden he got the BIGGEST smile on his face and he said: "You're the one we were praying for in our Graduate Student Bible study!" Do to this revelation, I began another friendship as a result of my testimony. I also saw how God provides people to pray and encourage me--whether or not I even know these people. I am walking, talking proof of the power of prayer and that God's plan comes together with precise, calculated timing. This article was published in "ONE" a Christian Publication by W&M Christians in the Spring Edition 1992. I would like to take just a little more space and follow up in November 1992. God has sent me to JMU to continue to grow in Him and to try to encourage others to do the same. I am a truly blessed young man. I have been given an incredible support in the form of Campus Crusade for Christ, my Bible Study led by JF* and the most SPECIAL group of friends--you all know who you are--in fact, you're probably pretty special if you're reading this testimony. God has also blessed me with a VERY special friend K* who is in her first year of Veterinary School at VPI*. I feel that God has spoken to me and told me that my calling is in the field of ministry although I am still not sure in which form--He'll let me know though! Anyway, I'll close with this to all who are reading this: God loves YOU and he does have a plan for you--he will show it to you precisely when he wants you to know it if he hasn't already. To my brothers in my Bible Study, I truly love you guys and I can't wait to spend eternity with y'all. --CTBC* *Names changed to maintain confidentiality