Hymn Happy ============ The Dentist's Hymn "Crown Him with Many Crowns" The TV Weatherman's Hymn "There Shall be Showers of Blessing" The Contractor's Hymn "The Church's one Foundation" The Tailor's Hymn "Holy, Holy, Holy" The Golfer's Hymn "There is a Green Hill Far Away" The Politician's Hymn "Standing on the Promises" The Optometrist's Hymn "Open Mine Eyes that I Might See" The IRS Hymn "All to Thee" The Gossiper's Hymn "Pass it On" The Electrician's Hymn "Send the Light" The Shopper's Hymn "Sweet by and by" If you MUST speed on the highway -- sing these hymns loudly: at 45 mph.... "God Will Take Care of Me" at 55 mph.... "Guide me, O Great Jehovah" at 65 mph.... "Nearer My God to Thee" at 75 mph... "Nearer Still Nearer" at 85 mph... "This World is not my Home" at 95 mph.... "Lord, I'm Coming Home" at 100 mph.... "Precious Memories" ***********************************************************************