Michelle, here is my testimony....a synopsis anyway: Way back on October 23, 1982, I decided to go forward as a Christian. I was only 10 years old. I had always been a "good" kid, but I went forward for the wrong reason. I basically did it out of obligation. Also, I wasn't ready, and slowly I would slide further away from Christ until I could take it no more. I would enter the darkest ages of my life by 1990, but I would also experience a spiritual Renaissance. The following includes quotes of a message I sent to Crusty before he became a Christian: " ....In 1989, I was an antisocial and depressed boy. I was insecure. I had no worries and I had whom I thought was the girl of my dreams. I still felt a void in my life. In 1990, I sank further into that depression and I lost that girl. I became vengeful, hateful, violent, and every other word that came from my mouth was a foul phrase produced by the flames of hell which motivated my tongue. I was lost. I thought I believed in God (since then, I have discovered true believing). I continued to sink into misery and I looked only at myself and took it all out on others. My friends couldn't help. My family couldn't help. Professional help didn't work." I went even as far as debating whether life was worth it or not. I had always claimed to be a Christian, but I went to church and I didn't care. I was religious on Sundays only while I lived it up in a pool of sin the rest of the week. "Finally, I was at work one night(May 31, 1990) tossing things and cursing. A guy who worked with me talked to me and ended up praying with me for a couple of hours." This was the moment that the changing began. I changed slowly, and I learned many things the hard way, but after that first night... "There were many blessings. Since that day, I have been changing. Now, I am very social. I still mess up and still have tough times. ... I cry, but then I smile. I encounter a big trial of faith and I make it through, and I smile... I even talk to the Lord when I drive down the road in my car. It may look like I am singing or something, but I talk to Him, and I get this good feeling. Oh that is emotion one may say. Well, I will tell you that I cannot begin to name the many times that I have felt the power and presence of the Holy Spirit in a way that seems or is physical. Praying to God in thought is just as effective. God can read your mind. Satan cannot. Satan is just an angel. God is God! Tonight, I will pray again. Praying is just as much part of my day as eating. Reading the Bible, absorbing it, and praying are food for my spirit. My flesh will pass away, but my spirit will live on. James(his name was coincidentally James, also), basically, I have told you (just on the surface) about my relationship with God and how it initially changed me. The relationship with Jesus gives assurance in letting me know that in the end, it will all pay off and everything will be new and good. In the walk of faith, there are seemingly endless opportunities to grow spiritually. Each day for me teaches me something. To know what that something is, I must rely on God. I must have a personal relationship with Jesus. ..." One month after that night that my co-worker/friend prayed with me, I went to a Petra concert (June 30, 1990) and I continued to grow more as a new being in Christ changing my ways. There were people in my high school who couldn't understand why I didn't curse, swear, fight, and bully anymore. I told them about Jesus. There were still many struggles. I still have struggles, but I know now that Jesus will take my burdens. Four months after that night, I went forward at a Crusade (October 1990) to publicly acknowledge Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior. Then I had a lot of growing to do. I did that my senior year in high school. Then summer (1991) came .....I had been a true Christian for a year. I had learned alot for that year, BUT I still had more to learn, and we all still learn on a day to day basis. It was still a slow transition. A year after I accepted, I was evangelizing....I had found my gift. The day before I came to JMU (August 25, 1991), I was baptized. I have grown a whole lot just in the last year. God has blessed me in many ways. I still struggle at times as we all do, but not nearly as much as I did at first or even before. I have been a true Christian now for almost three and a half years. Praise Christ that I can type this good news that I have written here. God bless you. God be with you this week. In Christ, James the Beacon Deacon