Home Page for BeaknDeakn

Information About Me

 Screen Name:    BeaknDeakn
 Member Name:    JAMES JOHNSON
 Location:       USA
 Birth Date:     left out due to how security has changed in 10 years
 Sex:            Male
 Marital Status: Single
 Computers:      IBM and compatibles, Macintosh IIse, MacintoshIIci, TI-994/A
 Hobbies:        Living for Jesus Christ, computers, writing, music, and dating my girlfriend.
 Occupation:     PC Specialist/Help Desk Operator
 Quote:          Jesus loves you to death -- even death on a cross!
 Searchable by:  AOL and Internet

Fulfilled Prophecy

Messianic Prophecy

More Prophecy

Hi! Welcome to the home page of Beacon Deacon! It's just started, so it is still Work-In-Process. Check out the prophecy. Y'know, Jesus is my reason for life. If you have any questions about Him, e-mail me at BeaknDeakn@AOL.COM. Check out the prophecy He fulfilled (Click on the hypertext referenced above). All those files combined, about 40,000 bytes of information, are still less than one-third of all the prophecy Jesus fulfilled! Enjoy checking out my page. Also, check out some of the other sites listed below. Godspeed. --Beacon Deacon

My brother Neil's home page

The home page of Rapture Man

The Official DC TALK Web site

Jay's home page -- Cool Christian Stuff!

Richie's home page -- More cool Christian stuff and a super information resource on Christian music!

Changes last made on: Sunday January 07, 1996 15:20 EST