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Online since 1996!



About the Beacon Deacon

Information About Me

Member Name: James Johnson
Marital Status: Happily Married
Location: The Shenandoah Valley of Virginia, USA
Hometown: Harrisonburg, Virginia, USA
Click here or scroll down for Harrisonburg, Winchester, Staunton, and the Shenandoah Valley of Virginia Links.

BBA in CIS at James Madison University

M.A. in Counseling at Eastern Mennonite University.

Computers: PCs including Dell; Microsoft Windows 3.1, 3.11, 95, 98, 2000, ME, XP, Vista, 7 through 11; Macintosh Classic and OS X, TI-99 4/A, Unix,, Portal to Jamie Johnson's Web Pages
Hobbies/Interests: Living for Jesus Christ, reading, computers, writing, music, movies, genealogy, Creationism, mathematics, Sci-Fi (especially Star Wars and collectibles), web development, floor hockey, and spending time with my family.
Occupation: Web Developer
Quote: Jesus loves you to death -- even death on a cross!

So, how did I get the name Beacon Deacon? Well in college, the mainframe used was a VAX/VMS 4000 (by DEC). Students used it to program, e-mail, post on bulletin boards, and do projects. I used to have discussions on the religion bulletin board at James Madison University. Beacon Deacon is a name I came up with, a handle for the VAX bulletin board posts. The verses in Scripture behind the name are John 1:5 and Matthew 5:16.

I attended James Madison University as an undergrad. I graduated with a Bachelor of Business Administration degree in Computer Information Systems with a concentration in Decision Support Systems. I was also involved in the Baptist Student Union.

I completed graduate school (Master of Arts in Counseling) at Eastern Mennonite University and began work as a counselor-therapist in June 1999. For more information about the Graduate Counseling Program at EMU, e-mail For more information about psychology and counseling, see my Psychology and Counseling Links.

I later returned to my original field of Information Technology working at my alma mater James Madison University first as a Computing Support Analyst and later in my current role as a Web Developer.

To learn about the places I have spent my time, see below for links about Harrisonburg, Winchester, Staunton and the Shenandoah Valley of the Commonwealth of Virginia.

Harrisonburg, Winchester, Staunton and the Shenandoah Valley of Virginia Links:

Andre Viette Farm & Nursery

Blue Ridge Community College

Bridgewater, Virginia, USA

Bridgewater College


Daily News Record Online

Eastern Mennonite University

Great Outdoor Recreation Pages (GORP) -- Virginia

Green Valley Book Fair in Mt. Crawford, VA

Harrisonburg Downtown Renaissance

Harrisonburg Tourism

Harrisonburg, Virginia - Official Site

Harrisonburg on Yahoo!

Harrisonburg, Virginia, on


James Madison University

Mircrosoft TerraServer (Aerial Photo) -- Harrisonburg, Virginia, US

Old Town Winchester

Shenandoah University

Shenandoah Valley Music Festival /

Staunton, Virginia - Shenandoah Valley

Strasburg Online

TerraServer (Topographical Map) -- Harrisonburg, Virginia, US

The Valley Observer

Virginia Is For Lovers

Virginia, USA

Virginia Welcomes You To Our Fine State

Visiting the Valley

Wayside Foundation of American History and Arts, Inc.



WINC -- 92.5 FM (Rock/Pop)

WLTK -- X103 The Cross (103.3 FM Christian Radio)

WPER -- 89.9 FM (Christian)

WQPO -- Q101 FM (Rock/Pop)

WSVA -- 550 AM

Weather for Harrisonburg at The Weather Channel

Winchester/Frederick County, Virginia

Winchester/Frederick County, Virginia -- Visit

Winchester-Frederick County, Virginia, Chamber of Commerce

Winchester Online

Winchester, Virginia, on

Winchester, Virginia, News

The Winchester Star

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