Beacon Deacon Home
The Beacon Deacon Web Site

Online since 1996!


*10 The First Two and One-Half Decades and Beyond
Decades - Beacon Deacon Web Site History and Worklog

The First
25 years

From 1991 to 1995, as a JMU student, I was generating a lot of files on the VAX mainframe, which were the foundation for what would later be the Beacon Deacon Web Site. This was the beginning. Here is a listing of some files from 1992: page 1 | page 2.

A lot happened in my life during the first decade after this web site was written. I further learned HTML compared to my first page. I developed character during years of singleness and the wrong relationships as I grew closer to Jesus. I began graduate school and switched careers from Information Technology to Counseling after earning my M.A. I moved twice. I met my wonderful wife, moved out-of-state after buying our first house, switched jobs a couple of times, and earned licenses and certifications to add to my resume. Then my wife and I bought a dog, had a child, and moved to the Shenandoah Valley of Virginia. I found a job I enjoy and wrote quite a few web sites. The Lord proved His faithfulness during that decade (as He still does) and to Him I am thankful.

Timeline (1996-2006)

Original sitemap
Archives of (Not all past versions are archived, especially in 2006-2007)
Archives of (Surf the archive and more pages will be archived.)
More recent archive:

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Beyond the First Decade

Archives of (Not all past versions are archived. This is 2009+)

Thank you Lord for Your faithfulness!


To celebrate the first 10 years, play the JavaScript version of a Pascal-coded game I wrote in 1993 about Spiritual Warfare.

To celebrate the first 20 years, read my article, Are you on the Lord's side? and prayerfully consider the truth of Christ.

To celebrate the first 25 years online, read my short story:
Apo Stahl Johnthree and the Salonians

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