Beacon Deacon Home
The Beacon Deacon Web Site

Online since 1996!


Matthew 5:16 & John 1:5

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Welcome to the Beacon Deacon Web Site! First and foremost, Jesus is my reason for life. If you have any questions about Him, e-mail me. Look at the prophecy fulfilled in Jesus Christ!

This site has several sub-pages. Beacon Deacon's Bandland has links to pages of various Christian bands such as Petra, DC Talk and Newsboys as well as links to newer bands and Christian radio. Helpful Links have links to helpful sites including computer help, web design, and search engines, even to find that long lost friend). Links of Interest include links regarding amusement, genealogy, games, history, and entertainment. Ministries include localized, national, international, and online ministries as well as a link to an online Bible. Personal Home Pages include links to web pages of friends and of a personal nature. Psychology Links include various links to research in or learn more about counseling and psychology. The Ichthus Library includes downloadable files about the Bible as well as theology, issues, history, evidence, apologetics, personal works, and more!

Finally, I include links regarding struggles: The first regards pornography. There are many who struggle with this. I hope this link offers encouragement in the struggle with this issue. The second link is for those who struggle with singleness. Even though I am happily married now, I endured years of struggling with singleness and I don't want to forget those who continue to struggle.

Learn a little more about me by clicking here.

- Beacon Deacon (, James "Jamie" Johnson)

Philippians 4:11

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Notes from the Beacon Deacon:
Messianic Prophecy