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Fulfilled Prophecy


Below are a list of 33 prophecies fulfilled (Only a partial list!). Some overlap, and some in the list are actually more than one prophecy.

ProphecyOld TestamentNew Testament
1. Immanuel ("God with us")Isaiah 7:14Matthew 1:22-23
2. BethlehemMicah 5:2Matthew 2:6
3. Escape from EgyptHosea 11:1Matthew 2:14-15
4. Herod kills baby boysJeremiah 31:15Matthew 2:16-18
5. John the BaptistIsaiah 40:3-5

Matthew 3:1-6

Mark 1:2-4

Luke 3:2-6

John 1:23

6. Where Jesus went & Unto us a child is bornIsaiah 9:1-7

Matthew 4:12-16(went)

Matthew 1; Luke 2:1-20 (birth)

7. He carried our infirmitiesIsaiah 53:4Matthew 8:16-17
8. God's Messenger/John the BaptistMalachi 3:1

Matthew 11:7-15

Mark 1:2-4

9. God's chosen servantIsaiah 42:1-9Matthew 12:15-21
10. ParablesIsaiah 6:9-10

Matthew 13:11-15

Mark 4:10-12

Luke 8:9-10

11. ParablesPsalms 78:2Matthew 13:34-35
12. HypocritesIsaiah 29:13

Matthew 15:7-9

Mark 7:5-7

13. Colt/Triumphal EntryZechariah 9:9Matthew 21:1-5
14. Market in the Temple

Isaiah 56:7

Jeremiah 7:11

Psalms 69:9

Matthew 21:12-13

Mark 11:15-18

Luke 19:45-48

John 2:12-17

15. Peter's DenialZechariah 13:7

Matthew 26:31-35

Mark 14:27-31

16. Judas hangs himselfJeremiah 19:1-13, 32:6-9Matthew 27:3-10
17. Dividing up clothesPsalms 22:18

Matthew 27:35

John 19:23-24

18. Words applied to JesusIsaiah 61:1-2

Matthew 11:5

Luke 4:14-21

19. Bruised for our sinsIsaiah 53:12Luke 22:37
20. Bread from Heaven

Exodus 16:4

Nehemiah 9:15

Psalms 78:24-25

Isaiah 54:13

John 6:44-48
21. The deadened hearts of the unbelieving JewsIsaiah 6:10, 53:1John 12:37-41
22. Judas betrays JesusPsalms 41:9John 13:18
23. They hate without reasonPsalms 35:19, 64:4John 15:22-25
24. His bones weren't broken. They'll look on the one they pierced.

Exodus 12:46

Numbers 9:12

Psalms 34:20

Zechariah 12:10

John 19:31-37
25. Matthias replaces Judas.Psalms 69:25, 109:8Acts 1:15-26
26. The Holy One won't see decay. Jesus was raised from the dead.

Psalms 16:8-11

Psalms 2:7

Isaiah 55:3

Acts 2:22-28

Acts 13:32-35

27. Rejected stonePsalms 118:22-23

Matthew 21:42

Acts 4:11

28. Plots against JesusPsalms 2:1-2Acts 4:25-26
29. Jesus was a silent Lamb to the slaughter.Isaiah 53:7-8Romans 8:32-33
30. No shame in trusting HimIsaiah 8:14, 28:16Romans 9:33
31. Root of Jesse & DavidIsaiah 11:10 (or all)

Matthew 1:1-17 (v5-6)

Luke 3:21-38 (v31-32)

Romans 15:12

Revelation 5:5

32. No deceit. Jesus was perfect.Isaiah 53:91 Peter 2:22
33. Suffering, Crucifixion, & GloryIsaiah 52:13-15 and Isaiah 53The Gospel accounts of Jesus' Crucifixion

Your brother in Christ,
Beacon Deacon

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