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More Prophecy

When I read through the Old Testament, I was amazed at how much of it referred to Jesus Christ and described events that He would fulfill in time. Consider the cost. Who was Jesus? He was obviously someone of significance. Just the mention of His name causes people to look. People discuss His life 2000 years later. Jesus went even further than good teachings. He fulfilled prophecies written hundreds of years before He came to earth as God Incarnate. Some try to discredit the prophecies because they consider the Bible a biased source. First, the Bible is 66 sources, not one. Next, those 66 sources (books) must not be biased (and aren't) because they were "written" by many authors from different times and cultures: Ancient Egypt, Mesopotamia, Ancient Israel, the Babylonian Exile, and the Roman Empire. The only explanation is that the "authors" were inspired by God (refer to II Timothy 3:16-17). The Bible is more, much more, than a history or literature book. It is a library of books inspired by God. It is God's Word. Now for the third list of prophecies:

1.  PSALM 22


	Verse 1:
	"My God, My God, why hast thou forsaken me?"; "Eloi, Eloi, lama 
	sabachthani?"  Quoted by Jesus in Matthew 27:46 and Mark 15:34.
	Verses 6-8:
	These verses talk about Jesus being despised and hated by men.  Note
	how the crowds shouted for Him to be crucified.  Note especially
	verses 7-8:  "All who see me mock me; they hurl insults, shaking their
	heads:  `He trusts in the LORD; let the LORD rescue him.  Let him 
	deliver him, since he delights in him.'"  Now compare this to Matthew
	27:39-44, Mark 15:29-32, and Luke 23:35-37.

	Verse 11:
	"Do not be far from me, for trouble is near and there is no one to
	help."  Now recall Gethsemane where Jesus prayed in Matthew 26:36-46,
	Mark 14:32-42, and Luke 22:39-44.

	Verses 12-17 describe the events of the Crucifixion (which didn't even
	exist in David's time!).

	Verse 18:  
	"They divide my garments among them and cast lots for my clothing."
	This is fulfilled in Matthew 27:35, Mark 15:24, Luke 23:34, and 
	John 19:23-24.
	The rest of this chapter also applies mentioning the glory of the
	suffering of Jesus and even mentioning what the apostles and those 
	inspired by God would do in time.  

2.  PSALM 108:8:  "...Judah my scepter."  
	Jesus' human heritage, so to speak, was from the line of David and the 
	tribe of Judah.  Jesus sits at God's right hand, is the King, and will
	reign the earth in the Millenium mentioned in Revelation.  There are 
	many verses in the New Testament referring to Jesus' Kingship/Lordship.

3.  PSALM 132:17-18:  
	These verses start off with the following:  "Here I will make a horn
	grow for David and set up a lamp for my anointed one...."

	Horn symbolizes strength and king, and remember Jesus' heritage.  Jesus
	is the ultimate strength and is the culmination of the growing of that 
	horn mentioned in these verses.  Jesus specifically fulfilled this.
	The quote continues and applies.  These verses follow immediately after
	Messianic Prophecy fulfilled earlier in the chapter (and should be
	among the other lists of prophecy).   

4.  PROVERBS 8:22-36:
	Read this excerpt and then read John 1:1 and Colossians 1:15-17 which 
	describe Jesus  Christ in the beginning.  Jesus Christ fulfilled the 
	description in these proverbs.  Especially note 32-36 in reference 
	Jesus' teachings in the Gospels.  Here are some correspondences 
	(just some):
			Proverbs 8:32-33------------------> Luke 11:28
			Proverbs 8:34   -----"door"-------> Matthew 7:7-8
			Proverbs 8:35	------------------> John 14:6
			Proverbs 8:36   ------------------> John 3:16
			(Again, there are many other New Testament references.)

5.  2 SAMUEL 7:11-16:

	These verses are God's message for David that "...the Lord Himself will
	establish a house for you..." after David has died.  The house will
	be established with one of his "descendants"--Jesus--"one who will
	establish his kingdom."  God also says, "He is the one who will build a
	house for my Name, and I will establish the throne of his kingdom 
	FOREVER."  Note:  forever.  
	God also says that this one will be his son and God will be his father.
 	This, too, is fulfilled in Christ.  In verse 14, it mentions the
	suffering and crucifixion that Christ would go through.  Jesus is
	sinless, but the verse says, "his sins" because He took all of our sins 
	upon Himself and became sin on the cross and because of His sacrifice,
	all of us can have the free gift of eternal life because our sins, that
	Jesus took upon Himself, can be crucified.

6.  1 CHRONICLES 28:6-8:

	Solomon is David's son and God says that He will establish Solomon's
	kingdom forever.  This is established in Christ.  Solomon, too, is 
	in Jesus' heritage.  Note that heritage is used for Jesus' "ascendants"
	but Jesus was before His "ascendants".  Heritage is referred to this
	way in these prophecies.  

7.  PSALM 2:12:

	"...the Son...his wrath...Blessed are all who take refuge in him"
	refers to Christ.

8.  PSALM 31:5:

	"Into your hands, I commit my spirit..." corresponds to Luke 23:46.

9.  PSALM 80:14-19:


	Verse 14:  "the vine" corresponds to John 15:1.

	Verse 15:  "the root your right hand has planted, the son you have 
			raised up for yourself."  refers to several things
			fulfilled in Christ:
				"root":  Jesus is called the ROOT OF JESSE.
				"right hand":  Jesus sits at God's right hand.
				"planted":  carries on with the "vine" from
					verse 14 and corresponds also to 
					John 15:1 with God as gardener/planter.
				"the son":  refers to Jesus as God's Son. 
				"you have raised":  refers to the Resurrection.

	Verse 16:  "Your vine is cut down...":  refers to the Crucifixion.

	Verse 17:  refers to Jesus being raised and sitting at the right hand
			of God.

10.  PSALM 89:19-37:

	Verse 24:  David's horn (mentioned earlier) will be exalted; Christ
		is exalted.

	Verse 27:  " firstborn...the most exalted..." refers to Christ.
		"Firstborn" corresponds specifically to John 1:1 and 
		Colossians 1:15 which both tell of Christ.

	Verses 28-29:  "...covenant with him will never fail....forever..."
		This is another reference to Christ since Christ's sacrifice
		is a covenant that cannot be broken and His kingdom is forever.

	Verse 32-34:  Jesus will be flogged for the sins of many, but God will 
		not take His love from Him for this covenant in Christ is 

	Verse 36-37:  David's throne will continue forever.  Again, David is in 
		Jesus' heritage and Jesus has established His eternal kingdom.

11.  PSALM 110:


	Verse 1:  In this verse, the Lord says to David's Lord to sit at His 
		right hand until His enemies are made His footstool.  David's
		Lord is Jesus.  This verse corresponds to Matthew 22:44, Mark
		12:36, Luke 20:42, Acts 2:34-36, and 1 Corinthians 15:25.

 	Verse 4:  ..."You are a priest forever, in the order of Melchizedek."
		corresponds to Hebrews 4:14-5:10 which refers to Christ as the
		Great High Priest.

	Verse 5:  Jesus sits at the right hand of God the Father.

	Verse 6:  Jesus will judge both the living and the dead.

12.  PSALM 118:22:
	"The stone the builders rejected has become the capstone."
	This refers to Matthew 21:42, Mark 12:10, Luke 20:17, Acts 4:11, and
	1 Peter 2:4-8.  Jesus was rejected by people yet He is whom the kingdom
	is built on and in whom we can place our hope.  He is the foundation, 
	the cornerstone, the capstone.

13.  PSALM 130:7-8:

	These verses tell that if people place their hope in the Lord, He will
	redeem them from their sins.  This is the message of the Gospel of
	Christ.  If you put your hope and trust in Jesus Christ--"in the
	Lord"--then you are saved.  Refer to Romans 10:9.

14.  ISAIAH 4:2-6:

	"BRANCH":  This refers to the symbols of vine, root, etc., which refer
		to Christ.  Also, read what the Branch of the Lord does--that
		is what Jesus did/does.

15.  ISAIAH 9:1-7:


	Verse 1:  "...but in the future he will honor Galilee of the Gentiles,
		by the way of the sea, along the Jordan."  This tells about
		where Jesus would precisely be and how the location would be
		honored (because the Lord--Jesus Christ--would be there).

	Verse 2:  This verse corresponds to Matthew 4:12-16, Luke 1:79, and
		John 1:5-9.

	Verse 6:  "For unto us a child is born..."  Jesus was born into this
		world for our sake.
		"...and the government shall be upon his shoulders."  Some 
		try to use this as an argument against prophecies, but this
		refers to the Millenium in Revelation where Jesus will reign
		and His saints will reign with Him.
		"...Mighty God..."  As a Christian, I believe Jesus is God.
		In John 10:30, Jesus says, "I and the Father are one."  In 
		John 17, Jesus prays and in that prayer, He prays for unity
		among believers, but also mentions His oneness with God.  And
		also, we Christians see God as God the Father, God the Son, and
		God the Holy Spirit, so we do indeed call Jesus "Mighty God."

	Verse 7:  This verse refers to Jesus' heritage in David.  It also
		mentions and eternal, just, and righteous kingdom.
16.  ISAIAH 11:1-12:

	Verse 1:  "...Jesse...roots...Branch..."  Jesse was David's father, so
		Jesse is part of Jesus' heritage (refer to Matthew 1:1-17 for
		the heritage of Jesus).  Recall also what "root" and "branch" 

	Verse 2-5:  These verses describe Jesus as He walked the earth. 

	Verse 4:  Part of this verse refers to Revelation--Jesus' return.
		"...He will strike the earth with the rod of his mouth; with
		the breath of his lips he will slay the wicked."  In Revelation
		19, Jesus returns as the conqueror on the white horse and He
		confused some, but in Ephesians 6:17, it is written that the
		Sword of the Spirit is the Word of God.  Note also Deuteronomy
		8:3.  So now, the breath of His lips will slay the wicked.  He 
		will use God's perfect Word to do away with wickedness.

	Verse 6-9:  These verses describe the peace that Jesus brings.

	Verse 10-12:  These verses describe the unity and the calling of the
		first Christians who will strive for Christ, "Root of Jesse"
		and "banner for peoples".  Note, though, that Christians still
		unite and are still called and that Christ is still a banner
		for the people.

17.  ISAIAH 16:5:
	This verse refers to Jesus as establishing a kingdom built on love,
	His heritage (David), His justice and righteousness.

18.  ISAIAH 35:


	Verse 2:  "...they will see the glory of the LORD, the splendor of our

	Verse 4:  "...with divine retribution, he will come to save you."

	Verses 5-6 mention miracles which Jesus would perform.  Such miracles
		are fulfilled in Matthew 11:5, John 9:6-7, Matthew 15:30, John	
		5:8-9, Matthew 9:32-33, Matthew 12:22, Luke 11:14, and John
		7:38 (river/streams of life).

	Verse 8:  "...the Way..."  corresponds to Matthew 7:13-14 and John

19.  ISAIAH 42:1-18:

	Especially note the following:  

	Verse 1 corresponds to Matthew 3:16-17, Luke 9:35 (" whom
		I delight..."), and John 3:34 ("...I will put my Spirit on

	Verse 2:  "He will not shout or cry out, or raise his voice in the
		streets."  This verse corresponds to Matthew 27:12-14 and 
		Mark 15:3-5.

	Verse 3:  "A bruised reed he will not break..."  This verse refers to 
		Jesus' legs not being broken when on the cross.  The Romans
		would break the legs to hurry up death.  That is, the crucified
		victim could no longer push up on his legs to breathe.  The
		reason that Jesus' legs were not broken was because He had died
		on the cross (although some go as far as saying that He didn't; 
		such ludicrous thinking is easily refuted).  Read John
		19:33-37.  This also fulfills Exodus 12:46 and Numbers 9:12 
		(NOTE:  Jesus was the sacrificed Passover Lamb--Lamb of God), 
		Psalm 34:20, and Zechariah 12:10 ("the one they have pierced").

	Verses 1-4 corresponds to Matthew 12:15-21.

	Verse 6-7:  " be a covenant for the Gentiles, to open eyes that are
		blind..." These describes Jesus.  I am a Gentile and I have 
		eternal life because of Jesus' act of grace on the cross.  Note
		verse 7 which refers to miracles which Jesus would perform.
		Note also in verse 6:  "light to the Gentiles" and how this 
		corresponds to John 1:5 which refers to Christ.  Verse 7 refers
		to Matthew 9:28-30).

	Verse 16:  "...I will turn the darkness into the light before them..."
		This verse, too, corresponds to John 1:5 which refers to

	Verse 18, like verse 7 and other verses, refers to Jesus' healing

20.  ISAIAH 43:10-13:


	Verse 10:  "You are my witnesses," declares the Lord...refers to Acts
		1:8 when Jesus (the Lord) declares, "You shall be my 
		witnesses..." *** " that you may know and believe me and 
		understand that I am he..."...refers to the Messiah being God
		and God being the Messiah.  This is fulfilled in Christ.  In
		John 10:30, Jesus says, "I and the Father are one."  While this
		is who Christ was and is, He remained humble even to death on
		the cross (read Philippians 2:5-11).  Also read John 17:22 in 
		reference to Christ's divine nature.  

	Verse 11:  "I, even I, am the LORD, and apart from me there is no
		savior."  This verse corresponds to John 14:6 where Jesus says,
		"I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life.  No one comes to the 
		Father except by me."  This verse also refers to Jesus' divine

21.  ISAIAH 52:13-15 and ISAIAH 53:  Descriptions of the Suffering and Glory of

	Note especially the following:
	Isaiah 52:13 corresponds to Philippians 2:9.
	Isaiah 53:
		Verse 1:  "Who has believed....?" corresponds to John 12:37-38.
		Verse 3:  "...despised and rejected..." corresponds to both 
				Luke 18:31-33 and John 1:10-11.

		Verse 4:  "...he took up our infirmities and carried our
				sorrows..." corresponds to Matthew 8:16-17.
				The latter part of this verse begins to refer
				specifically to Jesus' suffering/crucifixion.

		Verse 5:  "But he was pierced for our transgressions, he was
				crushed for our iniquities;  the punishment
				that brought us peace was upon him, and by his
				wounds, we are healed."  Now look up Romans
				4:25, 1 Corinthians 15:3, Hebrews 9:28, and
				1 Peter 2:24.

		Verse 6:  This verse carries on with what verse 5 was saying
				and corresponds to 1 Peter 2:25.

		Verse 7:  "He was oppressed and afflicted, yet he did not open
				his mouth; he was led like a lamb to the
				slaughter, and as a sheep before her shearers 
				is silent, so he did not open his mouth."
				Now let's look at Mark 14:60-61:  "Then the high
				priest stood up before them and asked Jesus, 
				"Are you not going to answer?  What is this 
				testimony that these men are bringing against
				you?  But Jesus remained silent and gave no
				answer. ..."

		Verse 9:  "He was assigned a grave with the wicked, and with
				the rich in his death, though he had done no 
				violence, nor was any deceit in his mouth."  
				Jesus died between two thieves--the "wicked"
				(Mark 15:27 and Luke 23:32).  
				Now read Matthew 27:57-60 about being in a rich
				man's grave (Joseph of Arimathea).  

		Verse 11:  "After suffering of his soul, he will see the light
				of life and be satisfied; by his knowledge my 
				righteous servant will justify many, and he 
				will bear their iniquities."  This describes 
				what Jesus did on the cross and it describes 
				His resurrection.  Read John 10:14-18 and Romans

		Verse 12:  "Therefore I will give him a portion among the
				great, and he will divide the spoils with the 
				strong, because he poured out his life unto 
				death, and was numbered with the transgressors.
				For he bore the sin of many and made 
				intercession for the transgressors."  Now read 
				Matthew 26:28, Luke 22:37, and all of this 
				refers again to the crucifixion and 
				resurrection of Jesus Christ.  Also, 
				"intercession for the transgressors" is 
				fulfilled in Christ and mentioned in Hebrews 
				7:24-25.  (Note:  I didn't even cite all of 
				the accounts of the crucifixion and 
				resurrection of Christ mentioned in the book 
				of Isaiah hundreds of years before they 

22.  Here are some prophecies of Christ's future Glory which are mentioned
	in the book of Revelation:
	Isaiah 44:6:  "This is waht the Lord says--Israel's King and Redeemer,
			the Lord Almighty:  I am the first and I am the last;  
			apart from me there is no God."  Now refer to 
			Revelation 1:8, 1:17, and 22:13 where Jesus refers to
			Himself as the First and the Last.      

	Isaiah 63:1-6:  Tells of Jesus' return and God's Day of Vengeance:
			For conciseness, I will just put key phrases.
			"...garments stained crimson...robed in splendor...
			striding forward in the greatness of his strength...
			treading the winepress...I trampled the nations in my my wrath..."  
			Now, look at Revelation 19:11-21:
			"...on his head are many crowns...He is dressed in a 
			robe dipped in strike down the nations...
			He treads the winepress of the fury of the wrath of God 
			Almighty.  On his robe and on his thigh he has this
			name written:  KING OF KINGS AND LORD OF LORDS..."

23.  JEREMIAH 23:5-6:  
			This tells of the days when God will raise up from
			David's line a righteous Branch.  Recall Jesus'
			heritage and the earlier mentionings of this in this 
			document.  It says that He will be a King who will
			reign wisely (some of this is Christ's future glory
			foretold in Revelation and elsewhere, but even while
			on earth Jesus was King; be careful of making foolish
			assumptions; remember His attitude of humbleness
			mentioned in Philippians 2 and His quote in John 18:36:
  			"My kingdom is not of this world.").  This excerpt from
			Jeremiah also says that in those days, Judah will be
			saved.  Jesus died to save the world, so yes, Judah,
			too, is saved as a result of what Jesus had done. 
			Finally, this excerpt says that He will be called the 
			Lord Our Righteousness.  Jesus is referred to as Lord 
			and He even refers to Himself as Lord.  This excerpt 
			from Jeremiah describes Christ.

24.  JEREMIAH 30:8-9:  
		Verse 8:  "...I will break the yoke off their necks and will
				tear off their bonds; no longer will foreigners
				enslave them."  Jesus came to take our burdens 
				and to set the captives free (from the ultimate
 				slavery which exists under sin).

		Verse 9:  This mentions David, and this was written after
				David's death.  In the verse, God says that He 
				will raise up David their king.  Many people
				will probably jump at this, but David in this 
				context refers to the line of David or one of 
				his descendants.  This is fulfilled in David's 
				"descendant".  This verse says that God and 
				this king are to be served.  That is, God and 
				Christ are to be served.

25.  JEREMIAH 31:31-34:
		Verse 31-32:  "'The time is coming, declares the Lord, 'when I
				will make a new covenant with the house of
				Israel and with the house of Judah.  It will 
				not be like the covenant I made with their 
				forefathers..."  The "new covenant" in these 
				verses is the covenant through Christ, unlike 
				the old covenant because the people broke the 
				old covenant (as the latter half of verse 32

		Verse 34:  Through this new covenant, God "will forgive their
				wickedness and will remember their sins no 
				more."  Through the act of grace on the cross
				of Christ, the gap of sin between man and God 
				was bridged.  Christ became sin for us and put 
				sin to death so that if we are His, our sins 
				are put to death (This is not my own
				interpretation.  Read Galatians 2:20 and 
				2 Corinthians 5:21).

26.  JEREMIAH 33:14-16:  Read the notes to number 23.

27.  EZEKIEL 34:11-31:


		Verses 11-16:  The Lord is the Shepherd (refer to Psalm 23). 
				This describes Jesus.  Also note His teachings
				on Shepherd and sheep.  Note verse 13:  "I will 
				bring them out from the nations and gather them
				from the countries...."  Christ's followers are
				from different nations, races, and cultures.

		Verse 17:  Jesus judges between the sheep and the goats.  Refer
				to Matthew 25:31-46.

		Verse 22:  "I will save my flock...I will judge..."  Jesus is
				the Savior.  Also, judgement refers again to 
				Matthew 25:31-46.

		Verse 23:  " servant David...he will tend them and be
				their shepherd..." Again, this is written after
				David's time and refers to his lineage in this
				context.  Christ's heritage is in David's line.

		Verse 24:  "I the Lord will be their God, and my servant David
				will be prince among them..."  Again, "my
				servant David" refers to David's line in this
				context--ultimately Christ.

		Verse 25:  THE NEW COVENANT:  "I will make a covenant of peace
				with them..."

		Verse 27:  See note for number 24 (verse 8).

		Verse 31:  "You my sheep...."  Jesus told Peter feed and take
				care of His sheep in John 21:15-17.  Jesus
				speaks of His followers as does this excerpt.

28.  EZEKIEL 37:15-28:
		This excerpt tells of the one nation under one King.  This 
		King is "my servant David".  Again, David had passed when this
		was written, so again in this context, "David" refers to
		David's lineage--ultimately Christ.  Note the end of verse 25
		and on through verse 28:  "...and David my servant will be
		their prince forever.  I will make a covenant of peace with 
		them; it will be an everlasting covenant.  I will establish 
		them and increase their numbers, and I will put my sanctuary 
		among them forever.  My dwelling place will be with them; I 
		will be their God, and they will be my people.  Then the 
		nations will know that I the Lord make Israel holy, when my 
		sanctuary is among them forever."  

29.  DANIEL 2:44:  The eternal kingdom of Christ.

30.  DANIEL 7:13-14:  

		Verse 13:  "In my vision at night I looked, and there before me
				was one like a SON OF MAN, coming with the 
				clouds of heaven.  He approached the Ancient of
				Days and was led into his presence."  Jesus was 
				known as the Son of Man and referred to Himself
				as the Son of Man.  Also note Matthew 24:30.

		Verse 14:  "He was given authority, glory and sovereign power;
				all peoples, nations and men of every language 
				worshiped him.  His dominion is an everlasting 
				dominion that will not pass away, and his 
				kingdom is one that will never be destroyed."
				Note Ephesians 1:22 and Hebrews 12:28.  Now
				let's look at what Jesus says in Matthew 28:18 
				(After His resurrection):  "All authority in
				heaven and on earth has been given to me." 
				Note also that this verse foretells how people 
				like me, a Gentile and one of many nations,
				would come to know Christ.  Finally, don't
				forget:  this all refers to the Son of Man who 
				is Christ.

31.  DANIEL 9:24-27:  

		Note especially:

		Verse 24:  "Seventy 'sevens' are decreed for your people and 
				your holy city to finish transgression, to put
				an end to sin, to atone for wickedness, to
				bring in everlasting righteousness, to seal up
				vision and prophecy and to anoint the most
				holy."  Jesus said to forgive your brother 
				seventy times seven times.  Jesus was the
				atoning sacrificial Lamb of Passover who made 
				possible the finishing of our transgressions.  
				He sealed up vision and prophecy and is anointed
				the most holy.  

32.  HOSEA 1:7:

		"Yet I will show love to the house of Judah;  and I will save
		them--not by bow, sword or battle, or by horses and horsemen, 
		but by the Lord their God."  Christ is the Lord who saved them,
		and He being from the line of the tribe of Judah (His
		"heritage") was shown God's love.

33.  HOSEA 11:1:

		"When Israel was a child, I loved him, and out of Egypt I
		called my son."  This is fulfilled in Matthew 2:13-15:  "When
		they had gone, an angel of the Lord appeared to Joseph in a 
		dream.  `Get up,' he said, `take the child and His mother and 
		escape to Egypt.  Stay there until I tell you, for Herod is 
		going to search for the child to kill him.'  So he got up, took
		the child and his mother during the night and left for Egypt, 
		where he stayed until the death of Herod.  And so was fulfilled
 		what the Lord had said through the prophet:  `Out of Egypt I 
		called my son.'"

34.  AMOS 9:11:  "In that day I will restore David's fallen tent.  I will
			repair its broken places, restore its ruins, and build 
			as it used to be."  This refers to Christ.  David's
			tent = the House of David, i.e. his descendants. 
			Christ fulfilled this prophecy.  He came, He repaired	
			that which had been broken, restored what was ruined, 
			and brought glory.  

35.  MICAH 5:1-5:  

		Verse 1:  "...they will strike Israel's ruler on the cheek with
				a rod."  Jesus was the King of the Jews and
				Ruler of Israel (Matthew 2:1-2, Matthew 27:11, 
				Mark 15:2, John 1:49, John 18:33-37) and He was
				beaten with a rod (Matthew 27:30, Mark 15:19).
		Verse 2:  "But you, Bethlehem Ephrathah, though you are small
				among the clans of Judah, out of you will come 
				for me one who will be ruler over Israel, whose
 				origins are from of old, from ancient times 
				(`from days of eternity' in some manuscripts)."
  				Jesus was born in Bethlehem, was of the tribe
				of Judah, was ruler of Israel (see note for 
				verse 1), and the last part tells of Christ's 
				divine nature.

		Verse 4-5:  "He will stand and shepherd his flock in the
				strength of the Lord, in the majesty of the 
				name of the Lord his God.  And they will live 
				securely, for then his greatness will reach to 
				the ends of the earth.  And he will be their 
				peace."  Recall the other notes on Jesus as
				the Shepherd and the believers as His sheep. 
				Furthermore, His greatness has reached to the 
				ends of the earth and He is the peace for 
				Christians worldwide.  0

36.  ZECHARIAH 3:8-10:


		Verse 8:  "Branch" again refers to the Messiah -- Jesus Christ.

		Verse 9:  The stone is a Messianic reference (Refer to these:
				Psalm 118:22-23, Isaiah 8:13-15, Isaiah 28:16, 
				Daniel 2:35, Daniel 2:45, Matthew 21:42-45,
				Ephesians 2:19-22, I Peter 2:4-8).  Be sure to
				read the references listed for in them, there 
				is prophecy.  
				At the end of this verse, the Lord says, "...I
				will remove the sin of this land in a single 
				day."  This refers to Christ's atoning
				sacrifice on the cross where He died for the 
				sins of mankind.


		Note especially:

		Verse 7:  again refers to the capstone.

		Verse 8:  Zerubabbel is in the line of David.  His hands will
				finish the temple.  His "descendant" will
				ultimately finish the temple.  Jesus is He who 
				will finish the temple ultimately.  In the 
				gospels, Jesus said that the temple would be 
				destroyed, but He would raise it in three
				days--a reference to His Resurrection.

		Verses 11-14:  All of chapter 4 may be read to understand the 
				context better.  The following note is based on
				The NIV Study Bible, Zondervan Bible 
				Publishers, Copyright 1985:  
				"Two anointed..."  Zerubbabel from the ROYAL 
				LINE OF DAVID and Joshua the PRIEST.  The oil 
				used in anointing symbolizes the Holy Spirit.  
				The combination of ruler and priest points 
				ultimately to the Messianic King-Priest, Jesus 
				Christ.  My note:  This is a prophecy of how 
				the ROYAL LINE OF DAVID and the PRIEST were 
				converging to become one.  This is fulfilled in

38.  ZECHARIAH 6:12-13:

		"Tell him this is what the Lord Almighty says:  `Here is the
		man whose name is the Branch, and he will branch out from his
		place and build the temple of the Lord.  It is he who will 
		build the temple of the Lord, and he will be clothed with 
		majesty and will sit and rule on his throne.  And he will be a 
		priest on his throne.  And there will be harmony between the 
		two.'"  This is a definite description of Christ.  Recall the
		aforementioned note about Christ building the temple.  Also,
		remember that Branch refers to the Messiah who is Christ.

39.  ZECHARIAH 11:12:

		"I told them, `If you think it best, give me my pay; but if
		not, keep it.'  So they paid me thirty pieces of silver."  
		This was the blood money paid for the handing over of Christ.

40.  ZECHARIAH 12:10-11:  
		"And I will pour out on the house of David and the inhabitants
		of Jerusalem a spirit of grace and supplication.  They will 
		look on me, the one they have pierced, and they will mourn for 
		him as one mourns for an only child, and grieve bitterly for 
		him as one grieves for a firstborn son.  On that day the 
		weeping in Jerusalem will be great, like the weeping of Hadad 
		Rimmon in the plain of Megiddo."  Christ was full of grace and
		His presence was in Jerusalem.  Also note that Jesus' 
		"heritage" is of the house of David.  Notice also that it is
		the Lord who is saying this and He said, "They will look on
		me the one they have pierced.....and grieve bitterly for
		him..."  This means several things:  First, it is the Lord whom
		they pierced.  Second, it reaffirms that Christ is God.  Look
		at the verse further:  "..for an only child..."  Remember that
		Christ is God's "only begotten Son" (John 3:16).  Also note in 
		this verse "firstborn".  Now look at Colossians 1:15:  "He
		(Jesus) is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn over
		all creation."

41.  ZECHARIAH 13:1-2:  

		Verse 1:  "On that day a fountain will be opened to the house
				of David and the inhabitants of Jerusalem, to 
				cleanse them from sin and impurity." 
				Cleansing them from sin was one of the 
				provisions of the New Covenant which was 
				fulfilled in Christ.  

		Verse 2:  "On that day...I will remove...the spirit of
				impurity from the land."  This continues on 
				with what verse 1 was saying.  Jesus fulfilled 
		  		this, also.
42.  ZECHARIAH 13:7:  

		"'Awake, O sword, against my shepherd, against the man
		who is close to me!' declares the Lord Almighty. 'Strike the 
		shepherd, and the sheep will be scattered, and I will turn my 
		hand against the little ones.'"  Jesus is the royal Messianic 
		Good Shepherd.  Jesus is struck during His suffering and 
		crucifixion.  Soon afterwards, the apostles (His sheep) were 
		scattered.  Refer to Matthew 26:31, Mark 14:27, Matthew 26:56, 
		and Mark 14:49-50.


No matter how many times you read or have read the Bible, there is always more
to be revealed.  A brother in Christ watched as this file went scrolling over
the screen.  He told me that he was impressed, but I said, "I didn't write the
Book.  Be impressed with God."  A lot of prayer and time went into this
project.  It started off as a bunch of verses with the words "Messianic
Prophecy" scribbled beside them and scattered throughout a 1993 calendar pad.  
As I read through the Old Testament, I was amazed, and I noted many verses on
my calendar.  Next, the notes in my calendar/journal were compiled into a list
of Messianic Prophecy verses.  As I typed this file over the last month, God
revealed even more to me.  People prayed about it.  I prayed about it.  God 
laid things on my heart a few times while I typed.  Thanks be to God.  Give 
praise to God.  May this list give glory to God and help the doubter to 

				In Christ,

			    James A. Johnson 

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