by Jamie Johnson
Those in Christ face trials. We must surrender and trust Him during the trials. Yet, we may be afraid. Why do we suffer? Is there hope?
(December 5, 2023)
by Jamie Johnson
We often think other things when we think of temptation, but despair is something we can be tempted with, too. We will face hardship. Jesus said we'd have trouble in this world, but I am reminded that as I endure hardship, I must remember the risen Christ. As we suffer, we must have the perspective He had and walk obediently and have hope in Him in the midst of it.
(October 6, 2023)
by Alistair Begg
"'I bow my knees.' And I'd like to consider it along three lines. The first is to notice that the prayer is selfless. Is selfless. That almost goes without saying, doesn't it? Because prayer is essentially selfless. A self-assured person is not going to pray. There's no need to; got it covered. A self-righteous person is not going to pray, particularly prayers of confession. But the person who knows their heart before God, who knows the depth of their need before God, when they bow their knees before God, it is an expression of selflessness."
(July 27, 2023)
Below words by Alistair Begg
"Will you not believe in Christ? Will you not lay down the arms of your rebellion? Will you not believe what He says: that you can't be so stinking rotten that He cant save you, or that you can't be so wonderfully good that you don't need saved?"
(July 25, 2023)
by Jamie Johnson
Short devotions from each book of the Bible, which I've shared with the local Trail Life troop since fall 2022 and going forward.
(Updated June 20, 6 and May 16, 2023. Original post: May 9, 2023)
David Guzik
"If your Christianity is making you miserable ...-- all the time -- if it's making you constantly miserable, you're doing it wrong. Now if your Christianity is never making you miserable, youre probably doing it wrong as well. Isn't that true? Isnt that time when our connection with God should make us say, 'Lord, I need you. I'm nothing without you. I need you to forgive me. I'm a broken, destitute person apart from you. I need you, Jesus.' There's a time when a proper relationship with God brings us to desperation, but, friends, that's never where God wants to leave us. He wants to fill us." -- David Guzik, from his sermon "Prepared to Abide"
(Read More)
(posted April 4, 2023)
by Jamie Johnson
This tool written by Jamie Johnson allows one to enter a Bible verse and it generates various links to helpful Bible Study sites and tools.
(February 14, 2023)
by Robert Boyd Munger / InterVarsity Press
What if you were to consider every room of your heart being surrendered to Christ? What would change in, say, the dining room, a room of desires and appetites? What would change in the workshop? Would the work be impactful? What would change in the living room? Or what would need to be cleaned out of the closet? (Teaser by Jamie Johnson) (December 20, 2022)
by Jamie Johnson
In our culture of self-focus and demand for instantaneous catering to personal preferences, there is a profound lack of resilience built on identities in shaky foundations and a collapse when those foundations are challenged.
What is true resilience and how can one have it?
(October 27, 2022)
by Alistair Begg
In a world marked by division and enmity, a longing for harmony is not uncommon.
Writing to the Ephesians, Paul addressed the world’s need for peace by identifying how the barriers that exist between people can be abolished.
Alistair Begg conveys Paul's message that true peace is found nowhere else but in the person of Jesus Christ.
Through the cross we have been given access to God, and as His followers we are called to demonstrate to the world the peace that is ours in Christ.
(October 4, 2022)
by Jamie Johnson
Why should people dedicate themselves to God to go to Heaven if He already knows who is and who isn't going to hell?
(August 26, 2022)
by Jamie Johnson
Jesus dined with Zacchaeus, and Zacchaeus repented. That is, Zacchaeus turned his back on his sinful lifestyle and embraced a new life in Christ. Jesus didn't enable, elevate, promote or celebrate the extortion Zacchaeus practiced. That life was over. Jesus had and has a higher calling.
(June 20, 2022)
by Jamie Johnson
In the Bible, it says that the believer's spirit goes and lives with Jesus upon dying. It also says you will be dead until Christ comes again. What do you think the Bible is telling us?
(April 6, 2022)
by Jamie Johnson
Believers in Christ vary in personalities and in how they're gifted. It can be tempting to compare yourself to others. However, God can use the quiet and subtle just as He can use the outspoken and winsome. And you matter to Him.
(February 20, 2022)
by Jamie Johnson
What does the culture wish for you? With what are you tempted? You've heard the ad: "There's an app for that." Well, in regards to temptation, there's a truth for that. Or more accurately put: there's the truth.
(December 6, 2021)
by Jamie Johnson
When it came to God, the Israelites wished for other and wished for more, and there were consequences. We, as individuals, and our culture can make the same mistake.
(November 18, 2021)
"I want tell people about the meaning of the Cross, not the cross that hangs on the wall or around someone's neck, but the real Cross of Christ. It's scarred and bloodstained. His is a rugged cross. ... It is the Truth. He loves you, willing to forgive you of all your sins." - Billy Graham
by Jamie Johnson
A short story written in honor of the 25th Anniversary of The Beacon Deacon Web Site: "Fragments of paper with handwritten words. That's all they were -- strange things to see in these times of no books, little paper, and even less who can write ... under the rule of The Unity." (January 7, 2021)
by Jamie Johnson
We are fickle people. We think that a new event or circumstance will fix everything. Often it only reveals further areas that need repair. Our hope should not be in temporal circumstance or things of earth.
(December 27, 2020)
by Jamie Johnson
There are a lot of voices these days -- voices in the culture, voices in classrooms, voices in the media and on the Internet, voices of people and even our own voices. Sometimes the voices are repeating, ruminating reels of ruin. Sometimes they bring discouragement and fear. Sometimes they bring falsehood. What voices are you listening to?
(November 25, 2020)
"First, before I am white, before I am black, I am a child of God. We stand at the foot of the cross on equal ground. There is no oppressed and oppressor at the foot of the cross. ... Am I woke? No, but I do believe that there is something greater than being woke and that is the truth of the Gospel of Jesus Christ." - Monique Duson, Founder, The Center for Biblical Unity
by Jamie Johnson
When you walk with coffee, do you focus on if it spills or on your destination? When you walk with Christ, do you focus on your troubles or do you focus on Him?
(July 11, 2020)
by Mike Wittmer, Our Daily Bread
"Where is your trust? Back-up idols are still idols. Thank God for His many gifts, and tell Him youre not relying on any of them. Your faith is riding entirely on Him."
(June 16, 2020)
Our Times: The difficulties in our nation
Heard this in church given the difficulties going on in our nation that this is a time for repentance, revival and compassion.
by John Piper
From Beacon Deacon: In the wake of the George Floyd tragedy and the tragedies that have both preceded and followed it... It's a prayer not only for the city, but also for what it represents: the broken nation, broken culture and broken people. Injustice and oppression are real. May we do better.
by Jamie Johnson
True love is framed in the truth, not divorced from it. Have compassion for the broken. Meet with them, put an arm around them, be a listening ear, extend grace, but don't taint the compassion into something else by celebrating the brokenness.
By all means love, but don't compromise God's truth and condone sin in attempting to do so. Many have embraced a cultural definition of "love" and divorced it from God's holiness.
(February 29, 2020)
by Jamie Johnson
A recent conversation I had with a self-described "nihilist" and calling him to face reality, truth and faith while realizing I cannot argue anyone into Heaven.
(January 15, 2020)
by Jamie Johnson
A good reminder:
What ships do you need to burn? What false havens do you run into instead of Him and His Word the Bible? Let them go. And in doing so, you will be freed to minister and follow Jesus. It's time to burn the ships and move forward in Christ.
(November 21, 2019, update from the original posted September 6, 2015)
by Jamie Johnson
In this study guide, I dive deeper into the text, using observations and interpretations, asking questions, finding answers in the Scriptures and original Greek text, and drawing application for today.
(November 17, 2019)
by Levi Lusko
A quiz (from Levi Lusko's book I Declare War),
which explores the masks we wear when we're hurting. Yet, you are a "person who is made and loved by God. The truth is, your mask is holding you back. When you put on a mask, you are masking yourself off from God’s blessing."
(November 14, 2019)
Mark Hancock, CEO, Trail Life USA
"God may be calling you to reject some lies and embrace some truths. He may be calling you to engage where your resume doesn't qualify you, or your lineage doesn't qualify you, or your experience doesn't qualify you. Listen, if what you are doing can be accomplished in your own strength, you have to ask yourself if it's worth doing anyway. He's not after what you can do for Him. He's asking what you will let Him do through you and in spite of you. It's time to hug God tighter, pursue the things you feel called to but have convinced yourself you can't. And by the will and power of Christ, beyond what you're able to accomplish yourself or even believe about yourself, you can believe the truth. He is the ultimate source of what is true about you. Believe that."
(October 4, 2019)
by Jamie Johnson
Some claim that the Bible can get in the way of following Jesus. However, can one be truly Christlike without being Biblical? Can one be truly Biblical without being Christlike?
Christlike is Biblical and Biblical is Christlike. They are inseparable. How else would we know the Person of Christ without the Bible? Why would Jesus stand against His Word?
(September 16, 2019)
by Jamie Johnson
Whoever has the gift of encouragement needs to exhort and encourage. Whoever has the gift of exhortation needs to encourage and exhort. Exhortation and encouragement are 2 sides of the same coin. One must not just comfort, but speak truth. And one must not just speak truth, but do so in love.
(September 1, 2019)
by John L. Cooper
"Is it any wonder that some of our disavowed Christian leaders are letting go of the absolute truth of the Bible and subsequently their lives are falling apart? ...
I implore you, please please in your search for relevancy for the gospel, let us NOT find creative ways to shape Gods word into the image of our culture by stifling inconvenient truths.
But rather let us hold on even tighter to the anchor of the living Word of God. For He changes NOT."
(posted here August 12, 2019)
by Jamie Johnson
In view of Joshua Harris' renouncing his faith, take warning: We need to get our eyes off of ourselves and onto God. We need to look to what the unchanging Word of God -- the Bible -- says, not the masses. We need to build our identity and foundation on Jesus Christ. We need to listen and ask questions, but do so with the truth of Scripture in mind. We change and we transition, but in the process, don't kiss the truth goodbye.
(August 2, 2019)
by Jamie Johnson
I've read in the Bible where Paul writes that he put away childish things. And I've read in the Bible where Jesus says to let the children come unto Him. So, we are to do away with childish things while being childlike.
An exploration of the Greek words for children adds insight to the question, "Which child is this?"
(July 28, 2019)
by Jamie Johnson
What other languages do you know? How do you learn them? You learn them from someone who knows the language or from a book (written by someone who knows the language). It's similar when it comes to spiritual matters.
(June 12, 2019)
by Jamie Johnson
During times of disappointment, our hearts can hurt, but they can also be fertile. Sometimes, the best place to be is to be looking to God with a broken heart. Sometimes, we feel so far down, we can only look up to Him. Though difficult emotionally, it is a good place to be spiritually.
(May 16, 2019)
by S.M. Lockridge
An excerpt from the famous sermon by the late S.M. Lockridge (from the 32nd Annual National Youth Conference in Santa Clara, California) describing Jesus.
(April 10, 2019)
by Jamie Johnson
Addressing philosophical arguments such as the following: Can God create a stone He cannot lift? Does that question disqualify God being all-powerful? How can evil exist in a world God created? Does God experiences what we experience, if not, does that mean He is not all-knowing, and if so, does it mean He can be sinful?
(April 5, 2019)
by Jamie Johnson
Abortion denies seeing one knit together in the womb as being a person created in the Image of God and elevates humanity to a place of acting as God in determining personhood.... (January 24, 2019)
A graphic posted by Reformed Christian Voice Radio
showing the first person to recognize Jesus, a timely painting for the Christmas season.
(December 15, 2018)
by Authentic Manhood
11 diagnostic questions, adapted from David Powlison's book, Seeing with New Eyes, to give you insights that may help you identify possible idols in your life.
by Lysa TerKeurst
What if there are no pieces to pick up, but only dust? Amid being shattered, there is still hope: "Therefore if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creature; the old things passed away; behold, new things have come." - 2 Corinthians 5:17
(October 4, 2018)
by Jamie Johnson
If we are created in the Image of God, then it only makes sense to believe in God creating as is written in Scripture instead of believing in the Darwinistic evolutionary narrative. After all, we cannot evolve into God's image.
(September 1, 2018)
by Cooper Pinson
We will only be able to see clearly to judge our brother (in a good way) if we first examine ourselves; after all, the sins we should be most concerned about are our own.
(June 28, 2018)
by Jamie Johnson
What is dignity? Why should we walk worthy and treat others with dignity? How does the Christian's motive differ from the world's motive around practicing dignity?
(June 24, 2018)
by Tim Challies
"The Bible warns us that when we skip church we put other people at risk. The first sin of skipping church is the sin of failing to love others."
(April 26, 2018)
by Jamie Johnson referencing Dr. Jeremiah J. Johnston
Dr. Jeremiah J. Johnston writes in his book Unanswered (pages 76-77) that early Christians came up with a new term for burial practice from which we get our word "cemetery": koimeterion (κοιητηριον) from the word koimeteria (κοιητηρια), which refers to a temporary holding place of peaceful sleep. Christianity is a "resurrection-centric" faith.
by Dan Delzell of The Christian Post
"Is it just a coincidence, or perhaps a delusion? And what about the common features found in their testimonies? Are believers just imagining these things?"
(January 2, 2018)
by Jamie Johnson
A quick study addressing these questions: What is baptism in Jesus compared to John's baptism? When does one receive the Holy Spirit? Were those baptized in John's baptism believers?
(December 2017)
by Pastor Francis Anfuso
A little boy was playing with his toy sailboat on the shore of a quiet lake. When the wind pulled the sail boat away from the shoreline, he began to cry as it went farther and farther away. An older boy came upon the scene and began throwing stones at his tiny boat. The young boy cried, "Why are you throwing stones at my boat?" The older boy said, "I'm throwing stones on the far side of your boat to create some waves to bring the sailboat back to you. Trust me; I know what I'm doing." Whenever you feel like God is throwing stones at your life, realize they are meant to draw you closer to Him, not to drive you away." He says to all of us, "Trust Me, I know what I'm doing!" That's why the Bible says, "Trust in the Lord with all your heart."
(September 28, 2017)
by Billy Graham Evangelistic Association
Begin your journey to peace. God loves you, but man is sinful and separated from God. However, God sent His Son Jesus to die for your sins! Would you like to receive God's forgiveness?
(March 3, 2017)
"For I delivered to you as of first importance what I also received, that Christ died for our sins according to the Scriptures, and that He was buried, and that He was raised on the third day according to the Scriptures"
by Jamie Johnson
In the loss of a dog, we see how pain over a death is an expression of love as well as other big lessons.
During a time of our family's sadness, we see God in His creation as we remember our beloved dog Haven.
(June 28, 2017)
God's Love in the Trinity
"Such a solitary God could not be eternally loving, for there was no one to love. 'Everything changes when it comes to Father, Son, and Spirit. Here is a God who is not essentially lonely, but who has been loving for all eternity as the Father has loved the Son in the Spirit. Loving others is not a strange or novel thing for this God at all; it is at the root of who he is.'" from Mark Johnson's article "How the Glory of the Trinity Provides Hope to Mankind" in Israel My Glory, November/December 2016, p.22, which quotes from Michael Reeves, Delighting in the Trinity (Downers Grove, IL: InterVarsity Press, 2012), p. 41.
(May 30, 2017)
Speaker: U.S. Senate Chaplain Dr. Barry Black, courtesy of C-SPAN
"My hope is built on nothing less than on Jesus' blood and righteousness...."
(February 2, 2017)
Some use the modern translation argument to discount what the Bible says about Jesus' divinity, His being the only way to God as well as verses supporting marriage being between one man and one woman and verses showing the ungodliness of homosexuality. I take a look at a modern translation updated January 2017 to see what it says and determine if it is a reputable translation.
(January 21, 2017).
In my last sermon at a particular nursing home, what is the most important thing for me to share?
We are all equally as bad off in and of ourselves, but there is hope. There is good news. And today is the day to consider it!
(Delivered on December 4, 2016 and June 15, 2012).
by Jamie Johnson
On national and personal levels, we face trials and difficulties. However, are you remembering God's Sovereignty? Even if things don't work out the way you want, do you trust Him? Are you on His side? And are you seeking to influence instead of insult and seeking to bring healing rather than blame? You can only do that in Christ. Do you trust and see He is still there?
(November 5, 2016)
by Jamie Johnson My earthly father saw the potential in me and the best in me and it shapes who I am. Yet, there are some days where I don't feel like I am that man he saw. However, that is how my father saw me. How does God see you? How does God see His Son? Are you in Christ?
(September 24, 2016)
by Jamie Johnson Dogs are experts in observing human behavior and looking to them. They are mere animals, but to us they can be very special and loyal companions. We are mere humans, but in Christ, God calls us friends. Are you observant of Him and loyally looking to Him seeking help in obedience?
(July 2016)
by Jamie Johnson
Aaron was the priest among the Israelites and brother of Moses, but he fell into sin by making the Golden Calf and he blamed the Israelites, following a progression resulting in sin and blame. How does this happen and what are we to do?
(June 4, 2016)
by John Stonestreet
Six questions to have "winsome conversations about tough topics" as "Sometimes the right question at the right time is the best way to have a conversation with someone with whom you fundamentally disagree" -
by Daniel Steggerda
There's a lot happening in our world. And things are not really better in the U.S. with divisiveness, racism, politics and our own personal issues, which
can fuel worry, anxiety and other things that distract us from what matters most: the Relationship with God.
(May 5, 2016)
by Jamie Johnson
Our world isn't safe. One only needs to look at the news headlines and see that we live in a dangerous world. One response is to become numb. However, numbness leads down a path against which scripture warns. May we not become numb. Rather, may we trust God and be good stewards and doers of good.
(April 9, 2016)
by Jamie Johnson
Loathing and dreaded anxiety sometimes plague the mind with the cares of this life and fear sets in. How can we have no fear?
(March 14, 2016)
by Jamie Johnson
Celebrating the 20th anniversary of this site, I ask you more questions: Are you wondering if the Lord is on your side? Or are you on the Lord's side?
(January 7, 2016)
by Jamie Johnson
There are many questions worth pondering in Scripture, but there is one question we all must answer and it is the most important one of all.
(January 3, 2016)
by Jamie Johnson
Advent celebrates that Jesus has come. Jesus has performed His work. Do you trust Him? He's coming back again. Are you ready? Are you sealed with the Holy Spirit, a deposit, the promised ring, guaranteeing
you as part of the Church His bride to be with Him forever?
(December 6, 2015)
by Jamie Johnson
Casting lots was a practiced used in the Bible to determine outcomes and make decisions. Was it by chance? Or was God using it?
If God is sovereign, what is to be our response?
(October 4, 2015)
by Jamie Johnson
What ships do you need to burn? What false havens do you run into instead of Him and His Word the Bible? Let them go. And in doing so, you will be freed to minister and follow Jesus. It's time to burn the ships and move forward in Christ.
(September 6, 2015)
by Jamie Johnson
God's will for Jesus was for Him to be subjected to the Sanhedrin, Pilate, Herod and the crowd. Though these people did evil, what man meant for evil, God redeemed for good. On which side do you stand?
(August 2, 2015)
by Jamie Johnson
In times of friction, are you hardening your heart? Or are you allowing God to bring you to the end of yourself through the momentary times of friction that you may live dependently on Christ?
(July 5, 2015).
From The Billy Graham Evangelistic Association
With all the bad news and destruction in the world, you or someone you know may be asking, "What's wrong? Will things ever get better?" Peace is possible, even in times that are difficult to understand. Be encouraged by these quotes and share them with friends.
(June 12, 2015).
by John Piper /
Do you take for granted the Bible or daily invest time in the Miracle of God's Word and get to know Him? Do you see His Word as a window, not a wall?
(June 9, 2015).
"When we don't get what we deserve,
that's a real good thing.
When we get what we don't deserve,
that's a real good thing." ~Newsboys
A riddle: What is more powerful than God and more evil than the devil? The rich don't need it and the poor have it. If you eat it, you will die.
by Jamie Johnson
Is the object of your affection bringing you doom? If it is not God, then it already is or will. With what are you filling your life? If it is an idol, do you see that it will overwhelm you and lie to you? Will you turn to Jesus and see that only He can fully satisfy?
(May 3, 2015).
by Jamie Johnson
We all have had storms, have storms and will have storms in life. Yet, our
trials are not as great as Job's trials. We can learn from his response in his trials. During storms,
can we confidently say, "I know my Redeemer lives" as Job did?
(March 13, 2015).
by Jamie Johnson
Feelings come and go like the waves of the sea. Sometimes, feelings just are. However, is that what you are going to trust? Or are you going to trust more than a feeling?
(February 1, 2015).
by Jamie Johnson
One can be too optimistic or pessimistic. However, one can also be too realistic. Are you trusting realism and stifling dreams or are you being faithful to God with open hands, willing to change where He wants you to, whether it is heart or circumstances, willing to dream a little dream He has for you?
(January 4, 2015).
by Jamie Johnson
Wherever we go and wherever we are, we all have a gift to give, something to leave behind. What are you leaving behind for those who come after you or who have experienced or are experiencing some of life's journey with you?
(December 7, 2014).
The word for "thanksgiving" is built on the words for "good grace" and the word for "grace" is built on the word for "joy." eucharistias εὐχαριστίας thanksgiving eu εὖ good + charis χάρις grace chara χαρά joy May you have joy in thanksgiving for God's good grace!
(November 27, 2014).
by Billy Graham
"We never know what we truly believe until it's a matter of life and death. Billy Graham, along with a firefighter and a young woman forced to face the reality of death, share the Gospel message, and what really happens when we die."
(November 10, 2014).
by Jamie Johnson
Read the headlines and you will see bad news. And you will see that bad things happen to people, including Christians. There are verses in the Bible about safety and there is the question we ask, "Does God keep us safe?"
(November 2, 2014).
by Jon Bloom, Desiring God Blog
"You wonder why it's so hard to find some peace of mind? Well, peace is hard to come by when you live in a warzone. ... And do you know where the front of the battle is? It’s in your head." -Jon Bloom
(September 29, 2014).
by Jon Bloom, Desiring God Blog
"The real illusion is not that old things appear new to us (like God’s mercies or a sunrise), but that new things ever appear old. ... God’s steadfast love and mercies for you are indeed new every morning. In fact, they are new with every new moment as he commits with a continually fresh resolve to keep his great faithfulness working for you." -Jon Bloom
(Posted September 18, 2014; Written September 8, 2014).
by Frank Powell, Relevant Magazine
A few of the lies Christians often believe that are hurting the Church.
(Posted September 16, 2014; Written August 27, 2014).
by Joseph Mattera, CharismaNews
"... American evangelicals have exported a gospel replete with an American cultural paradigm that is not in line with the Hebraic paradigm of Scripture. Consequently, ... preaching can come across more like the 'American Dream' than sound, biblical teaching." ~ Joseph Mattera
(August 8, 2014).
by Jamie Johnson
Some claim that Jesus speaking in parables means that either we cannot understand His words or that they are always up for interpretation.
Yet, this argument falls short in trying to discount His claim to be the only Way to God.
(August 3, 2014).
by Jamie Johnson
This device-obsessed culture challenges experiencing true human interaction, being present and taking in the moment. Are you a master over and independent of devices or is it the other way around?
(July 17, 2014).
by Jamie Johnson
How many of us are living powerlessly? How many of us are using scraps instead of useful things with purpose? How many of us are living like spiritual paupers?
(June 1, 2014).
Do you believe in God? What do you think God wants from you? Would it surprise you that God wants a relationship with you that starts now and lasts forever?
(June 11, 2014).
by Jamie Johnson
How many of us are living powerlessly? How many of us are succumbing to habits instead of living with purpose? How many of us are living like spiritual paupers?
(June 1, 2014).
Dare 2 Share Ministries
From the YouTube video: Life in 6 Words: The GOSPEL communicates the whole story of the Bible in 6 key truths that capture the essence of God and human interaction. In this powerful video, rap artist Propaganda unpacks a simple 6 letter acrostic that spells out the word "GOSPEL" and communicates Jesus' life-giving message of salvation.
(May 25, 2014).
by Jamie Johnson
Is there more to this life than living and dying? Are you just getting by day-to-day or do you realize that there is more to this life -- living for something more, or better said, for Someone more?
(May 4, 2014).
by Jamie Johnson
You make choices. Whether it is how we enter each day, how we interact with those around us, how we deal with suffering, or how we deal with things from a Biblical perspective instead of a worldly one, we have a choice.
So what is the basis of your decisions? Man or God?
(April 6, 2014).
by Jamie Johnson
If you are in Christ, there is something more, something you have, and yet something you may have forgotten. Do we go through our routine, put in the same raw material and plug along, forgetting that we have something better, more specifically Someone better? Why live that way any longer?
(March 2, 2014).
Always There
by Jamie Johnson
Always There
Always Hope
I know You care
In You I cope
My voice I raise
To God on High
Jesus Christ I praise
To me draw nigh
by Jamie Johnson
When I think about struggles that will not go away, I call them "thorns." Thorns prick and stick. They hurt and they do not necessarily go away. Can we have victory? Is God still good?
(February 2, 2014).
by Jamie Johnson
A new sub-site about beauty: Our culture has a problem with beauty. The self-obsessed, sex-idolizing, celebrity culture fuels the cultural disease that makes women into
objects rather than respecting their dignity as human beings created in the image of God.
by Jamie Johnson
King Hezekiah of Judah heard discouragement from King Sennacherib of Assyria. How did Hezekiah respond? In this world of voices, are you trusting God and listening expectantly? And in doing so, are you laying down your concerns before Him?
(December 1, 2013).
by Jamie Johnson
Sometimes we want to throw our hands up and give up instead of looking up. Instead, we need to calm down, kneel down and lay it down. We need to be filled and practice continuance.
(November 3, 2013).
by Jamie Johnson
Now is the time for letting go of the things that hinder, entangle and suffocate ... and hanging on to the things of significance, most importantly Jesus.
(October 6, 2013).
by Jamie Johnson a written guide to his talk at a men's retreat
A Message to Men: Passivity wreaks havoc on leadership, marriage, integrity and purity. Don't let life pass you by in the destructive path of passivity. Rather, be in life with intention in your marriages, in your families, in your communities and in faith.
(September 20, 2013).
by Jamie Johnson
Can you season a piece of rotten meat to make it suitable to eat? No! You need new meat.
Likewise, we cannot season our wicked hearts or aim our works to please God. We need new hearts.
(September 1, 2013).
by Penn Jillette Penn Jillette, an atheist, and celebrity of Penn & Teller, shares some thought-provoking words that challenge Christians to authentically share their faith.
(August 1, 2013; Originally posted on YouTube on August 4, 2009).
Harriet Tubman was a slave who risked everything for freedom. All in Christ have something to risk to work out of freedom in Christ and pursue others towards that end. What are you willing to risk?
(July 7, 2013).
Why should you be allowed into Heaven? What will your answer be? More importantly, what are you trusting for the payment of your sin debt? Are you trusting in your feeble works and attempts and trying? Or are you trusting in the perfect and Holy One Jesus Christ?
(June 2, 2013).
In a dream, I wasn't sure where I was, but my father was with me. Life is like that. Sometimes, we don't know where we are, but can you say that your heavenly Father is here with you?
(May 5, 2013).
What are you aiming for? What are we aiming for? A better situation? Better health? Better roommate? Better paycheck? Are we aiming for Christ above all else?
(April 7, 2013).
We cannot see what is going to happen or what is happening – when we feel lost or do not know what tomorrow will bring.
However, we can take comfort in the fact that God is already there.
(March 3, 2013).
"We hope that you will consider the possibility of knowing God and his love for you. There is no other relationship we can experience that so completely satisfies the longings of the human heart and mind." - #FallingPlates / About Us (February 11, 2013).
"On our computer news feeds. And smart phones. On Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest and Instagram. The 'look at me!' Joneses and all their profile-picture-perfect lives. It can tempt us to become jealous and discontent." - Karen Ehman (February 4, 2013).
The question, "Where is the hope?" still echoes today. In what or whom are
you placing your hope? Is it in circumstances, in people, or is it in Jesus Christ?
(January 3, 2013).
Do we have room to complain? Are we waiting for "the next thing" with our eyes
on ourselves? Or are we going to be thankful and look to the Giver?
(published November 15, 2012; sermon December 2, 2012).
I wrote Lust, Excuse Me in September 1999 to confront the
multiple excuses people use to think lust is acceptable. I revisited it
with a group of guys at a youth lock-in.
(November 9, 2012).
"To accept Jesus as married... Ultimately,
I believe every true Christian can search the Spirit within them and discern that this is just another old lie..." - Jeffrey Fisher.
(September 25, 2012).
A man has been disabled all his life. As people pass him by to a healing pool, Jesus asks if he wants to be healed and tells him to pick up his mat
and walk. With whom do you identify? Where is your source of healing?
(September 2, 2012).
Jesus is faithful and moves us to love. He imputes to us His righteousness. He is our peace. It is like a marriage - the mystery of Christ and His Church.
(August 14, 2012).
Success mostly has become diluted to a temporary achievement that will be forgotten after one leaves the world in which s/he tried to be so successful. What or who is the basis for your success? (June 6, 2012).
My responses to a seminary student who asks questions about challenges for the church, theological issues at stake in those challenges, crucial foundational truths, and Biblical theology. (March 12, 2012).
The Bible tells us to love. That is our mark of being of God and knowing God. However, sometimes, Christians fail to love while some non-Christians seem kind. How can this be understood? (February 15, 2012).
At times God is silent, but it does not mean He is inactive. His silence has a purpose. Sometimes, even in His silence, He makes a statement. (February 5, 2012).
by Jamie Johnson
Even in grief, I see that one Day, the grave will be unlocked, that my departed father, though bodily in the grave, is no longer
there....and there is hope in that truth.
The first Advent was in the context of an unwed pregnant teenager whose betrothed was not the father. By modern standards, such a context would be deemed a disaster and abortion would be an option. However, the Baby - yes, the Person - in her womb was conceived by the Holy Spirit. (December 14, 2011).
While being mindful of eternity, are you joyful where God has called you? If you are just wanting to "get through this" to the next thing, are you really living? (November 28, 2011).
There is not much room for hope in this world....if we are only looking at the world. To what or to whom are you looking to for hope? And what steals your hope? Where can you find lasting hope? (October 2, 2011).
designed by Jamie Johnson
Pray for the peace of Jerusalem. And pray for the peace of the USA. Notice in JerUSAlem that USA is in the middle. We need to pray for peace for both. These bumper stickers I designed capture that message. Please spread the word.
Life consists of multiple times of letting go, a process and choice. What are things of which you need to let go? And in the meantime, are you clinging to Him? (September 4, 2011).
designed by Jamie Johnson
With the upcoming 2012 Election, let's place our trust in One Whom we can trust … Jesus! I thought about that during the last election and here are some bumper stickers I developed to communicate that. Please spread the word.
We are dirty and we cannot wash ourselves, but there is One who can and does so continually if we
trust Him. It's not too late. Today is the day of Salvation! (August 7, 2011).
"Beware of placing too much expectation on others. Realize that people will let you down from time to time, but do not let that impact your faith. Trust God to work even through these disappointments." (August 2, 2011)
"I wonder if in the interest of many factors including safety, keeping up with Joneses, acquiescing to kids’ desires, expectations of year-round training for young athletes and even a lack of imagination we’ve wound up overscheduling our children…?" (July 13, 2011)
Are we so wrapped up in our theology and traditions that we miss the simple truth of the Gospel?
I don't think that can be said about Mike, an evangelist who appears to ask the right questions with the right focus.
Can it be said of you? (June 16, 2011).
"Maybe for a long time I’ve felt like I need to be the number one guy or that I need to do everything myself. I really don’t think I’ll have an effective life like that. My desire more now is that I’ll be effective and be able to apply my life such that it yields the most optimal impact." (June 1, 2011)
"Ironically, I wonder whether people who are very pro-family, and therefore fairly conservative in their values,
may be more conformed to the world than they think, because I don't think two generations ago, we built
our entire life around our children the way we do now. We got they be in the perfect school. They
have to be perfectly happy. They have to have all the best things. I think that's a ...
consumer kind of thing. ... It's a very contemporary secular approach to raising children and weirdly enough,
we in the more ... evangelical church very often can be sucked into it and think that we're being
pro-family when actually we are being conformed to the image of the world."
- Dr. Tim Keller
Each of the great civilizations in the world passed through a series of stages from their birth to their decline to their death. Historians have listed these in ten stages.
In this world, is meaninglessness all there is? Even for us as Christians, is this it? Do we just go to church and raise up nice kids in clean homes? Is this all there is? Doesn't Jesus call us to more than this? What's meaningful? (March 10, 2011).
by Jamie Johnson
Despite no good in and of ourselves, we all have value that is given to us by God. What are you forfeiting your value for?
Are you basing your value in worldly status and things or abasing your value in self-pity?
Are you looking to worldly priorities or to Jesus Christ? (January 19, 2011).
by Jamie Johnson
Did you ever wonder where the concept of good came from? Why
don't people consider bad things good or good things bad? Granted there
are some rare circumstances where this does occur, but for the most part,
there is a universal umbrella under which good things fall. Did someone
just make up goodness? (December 1, 2010)
by Kyle Vitasek
A sad example that "re-creates the story of man and woman coming to be married, as our modern
'liberated' culture finds women taking matters into their own hands…This example has
sadly become the norm in a post equality movement world where men default to waiting, rather
than heroism to win their beauty"
(November 16, 2010).
by JJ Heller
"Listening to JJ Heller's What Love Really Means brings me to tears! What a beautiful reminder that no
matter where you find yourself in life, God loves you… Really loves you, no matter what you have done or failed
to do, He is always there. What an amazing message to share with everyone who listens."
~ SCOTT SMITH - K-LOVE Asst. Program Director/Music Director (SOURCE)
by Jamie Johnson
Grand and lofty theological paradigms - Is that what Jesus was really about? Often
theological knowledge promotes marginalization and arrogance and misses the point when
it becomes a form of Christian law. (November 1, 2010).
by Jamie Johnson
We want recognition, status, and reward, but that's not where the real reward is. Being seen and
being heard are not our motives. If no one ever knows how you are serving besides God and
the recipient and yourself, then may that be enough. (October 5, 2010).
by Kyle Vitasek
"Put down the Iphone or the remote and find a toy or activity that requires some imagination in order to play with it." (from the article)
(September 14, 2010).
by Jamie Johnson
Right now, you are wearing some type of gloves. Where are they from? What are you doing with them? Who's watching? Are you worth mimicking?
(September 6, 2010).
by Max Lucado
"[Y]ou and I have been given an opportunity to make a big difference. What if we did? What if we rocked the world with hope? Infiltrated all corners with God's love and life? We are created by a great God to do great works. He invites us to outlive our lives, not just in heaven, but here on earth. It’s not enough to do well. We want to do good. We want our lives to matter. So, let's live our lives in such a way that the world will be glad we did." Read More… (September 3, 2010).
by Jamie Johnson
We see so much darkness in this world, but does the Spirit use this desperate display of
life without God to propel us to life with God? (July 14, 2010).
by Max Lucado
The story of Punchinello who believes that he isn't good enough because of what others think about him and of his discovery about who(se) he really is and what really matters.
by Jamie Johnson
Flawed Universal Spiritual Sentiment - the idea that the three major world religions (Christianity, Judaism, and Islam) aim for the same thing. Let's look at Islam and Christianity. (25 January 2010).
"Join us in defending this great American tradition and humble gesture to pray for her leaders as they work to govern our land." ~ from
by Peter Heck Are we "falling victim to this culture's viral stupidity " -- politcal correctness. Will this enemy within be our undoing? (6 December 2009).
by Thomas Sowell, Syndicated Columnist "Nothing is more consistent with Barack Obama's lifelong patterns than his placing in government people who reject American values." (quoted from ONENEWSNOW.COM, 25 October 2009).
by Angie Davis "Why do I have this need for others’ approval when the approval belongs to one person: Jesus Christ." (A Spring of Joy, 24 October 2009).
by Louise Johnson In a busy, busy world, are we doing enough? Are we seeking man's approval or God's approval? Does quantity equal quality? (Johnson Journals, 10 October 2009).
Lots of people are looking for a job during these trying economic times. This link offers various links to career resources. To those looking, Godspeed.
by Jamie Johnson Lots of Bible, lots of logic, and lots of knowledge. So, now how do we engage the culture in
meaningful discourse? This site is now fully open!